Pickfetish Review Blog: We Rate and Describe all manner of Plectra/Instrument Picks!

  • Cool Picks Acetal White Sandpaper

    Cool Picks Acetal White Sandpaper

    It is the beginning of New England’s winter: a respite from the heat appears. It comes in the form of a Blue and White Plectrum with an interesting twist: A sandpaper-like gripping pad built into the pick. The Cool Picks Acetyl White Sandpaper may be kinda rough, but that roughness is its beauty. My reaction…

  • Absence:

    I’ve been battling several health issues as I’m not young. One is cancer. I am in the process of writing a new review and I hope to get it online soon. I thank you all very heartily for your loyalty to the site, this is a labor of love that I don’t make a dime…

  • Twig Case Company Leaf Paper Pick

    Twig Case Company Leaf Paper Pick

    “Extra! EXTRA!, Read All About it: Twig Case Company makes a paper pick called ‘The Leaf’” “here, son, right over here, what’s that you say, our paper is a pick? How can that be? Yes indeed, a pick can be made out of paper, compressed and hardened paper. It is actually a building material, see…

  • Fender’s .96mm Gold Celluloid

    Fender’s .96mm Gold Celluloid

    Ah, the golden sun is warming the Connecticut Empire and I’m using AC., but Fender’s .96mm Gold Celluloid Pick doesn’t care, even if it’s more golden than that orb in the sky! Well, hmm… When I decided to review this pick I forgot to check the branding. Now I realize I’ve given Fender a couple…

  • Pistol Picks

    Pistol Picks

    Pistol Picks, a three size variety: So by now, you are asking: “Hey Pickfetish guy, what’s the holdup?”— —“Well, we’re holding up the pick bank that has gemlike the Pistol Picks Medium in it. Hold ’em up high buster!” Well, I must admit, I feel slightly let down, almost humorously so: I recently experimented with…

  • Dava Brand Nylon Jazz Yellow

    Dava Brand Nylon Jazz Yellow

    Dava Brand Nylon Jazz Yellow Pick, is it a typical nylon, does it grip well, would a serious performer use it? Read on…

  • Fender’s White 346 Tri-Tip Heavy Celluloid Pick

    Fender’s White 346 Tri-Tip Heavy Celluloid Pick

    Fender’s White 346 Tri-Tip Heavy Celluloid Pick as reviewed by pickfetishx351… This ain’t the great white north, but CT still gets snow. With our last days of snow likely ensuing, how fitting to have the Fender’s White 346 Tri-Tip Heavy Celluloid Pick, a snow-white plectrum for a new review! This pick is one of a…

  • The Honey Picks Wood Grip Glow Cast Tri-Tip

    The Honey Picks Wood Grip Glow Cast Tri-Tip

    This is a review of the Honey Picks Wood Grip Glow Cast Trip Tip Acrylic Plectrum… You’ve all seen the ads for cough suppressants with honey… A Fictional husband nudges his sleeping wife with that overused and hungry phrase “Honey!”, she turns and reacts with an expression that a sick wife would surely make ‘You…

  • Ernie Ball Prodigy 1.5 Black Sharp

    Ernie Ball Prodigy 1.5 Black Sharp

    What is the point of it all? Why does writer’s block inflict sharp stabs to the weak egos of writers? The Ernie Ball Prodigy 1.5 black sharp pick stabbed me in the heart of my inspirational flow weeks ago, or at least that is the easiest thing to blame my writer’s block for so long.…

  • Dunlop Delrin 500 Prime Grip .71

    Dunlop Delrin 500 Prime Grip .71

    A review of the Dunlop Delrin 500 Prime Grip .71, a versatile pick for a wide range of uses. Here in the North East USA it has been an extremely gray and rainy for most of the last 6 months, and fall is now underway. Gray has been the thing around here, until today, much…

  • Hello from Connecticut, USA!

    I just want to say hello to all our international visitors. I think you deeply for visiting our site and know that as an American, I share good will to you and your’s. Guitar, and picks, are universal and world wide. Long live Rock and Roll (and Jazz, and Pop, and Classical, and international music!)…

  • Gravity Stealth Standard Reuleaux

    Gravity Stealth Standard Reuleaux

    As the green in our leaves fades and gives way to the vibrant colors of a New England Fall, what better time to review this Gravity Stealth Standard Reulaux? You will see the obvious reason that I mention fall ridding us of the rolling greens of Connecticut; this pick is a fluorescent green color. It…

  • The Jim Dunlop Ultex Sharp .73

    The Jim Dunlop Ultex Sharp .73

    Lions and Tiger and Bears, oh MY, no Rhinos, oh WHY? Can a Rhino survive a cyclone? I almost found out, sort of, with the Jim Dunlop Ultex Sharp .73 Pick. You see, here in New England we were on alert a week ago when Hurricane Lee made its way straight up North. For a…

  • Clayton Picks’ Metallics Copper

    Clayton Picks’ Metallics Copper

    A review of the Clayton Pick’s Metallics Copper Plectrum, a pick with attitude! “OK COHpah, whatcha gonna doo, COHpah, you dirty rat!” What we really need now is James Cagney doing a cameo with this elemental Cu Pick, the Clayton Picks’ Metallics Copper Plectrum. It reminds me of the pugnacious character of James Cagney (a…

  • Jim Dunlop Blue Gator Grip 1.14

    Jim Dunlop Blue Gator Grip 1.14

    Born on the Bayou? The Jim Dunlop Blue Gator Grip 1.14mm thick guitar pick: A Masterpiece of Musical Expression! Welp, a convergence of cool things that were unplanned to be together, but I feel like I am back in Bayou Country (I used to live in parts of Texas Bayou Country and know it well).…

  • Dragon’s Heart GT Guitar Pick

    Dragon’s Heart GT Guitar Pick

    The Dragon’s Heart GT Pick, Black Colored. Note the engraved dragon and GT labeling. Set against wood grain. I’m overdue for a review and I preselected the Dragon’s Heart GT Guitar Pick for my next review a few weeks ago. I really would have liked to give it more time for evaluation, but how long…

  • Newport Scrimshanders craft Abalone Pick

    Newport Scrimshanders craft Abalone Pick

    The Newport Scrimshanders Craft Abalone Pick: It’s Independence Day season, and a massive number of people are headed to the shore, and in one place particularly, where my second cousin is near Newport Rhode Island. It’s very beautiful out there, and that beauty can be seen in the Newport Scrimshanders craft abalone pick. It’s one…

  • Dunlop NOFX Fat Mike

    Dunlop NOFX Fat Mike

    Dunlop NOFX Fat Mike Pick Review! “You have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky… PUNK!” “Hey Pig, heck with you, but I have to ask!” The Dunlop NOFX Fat Mike pick is piggy pink, that’s what made me make the association with piggy pink and the punk line in Dirty Harry. Fink’s Eastwood Character…

  • Dunlop’s Reverend Willy’s Mexican Lottery Guitar Pick

    Dunlop’s Reverend Willy’s Mexican Lottery Guitar Pick

    Billy Gibbons has a few signature items, including guitar picks one of which we are reviewing here: Introducing our Review of the Dunlop company’s Reverend Willy’s Mexican Lottery Guitar Pick! The Materials: These are of a gel formulation and similar -to a mild extent- to standard acrylic picks yet are a little softer. The material…

  • Dunlop John Petrucci Signature

    Dunlop John Petrucci Signature

    The Dunlop John Petrucci Signature Pick Review: I woke up this morning and the first thing I looked at was my new-ish guitar I named Juanita. It is named for my son, John, who we all call Johnnie. Think about all the words and things in life using the term “John” like boats, commodes, and…

  • Fender Medium Mojo Grip

    Fender Medium Mojo Grip

    Car parts used to be very solid and could take a beating. Fenders especially. A medium pick can be sturdy but often slippery like the styling of a 1960s Bel Air. But the Fender Medium Mojo Grip doesn’t slip nearly at all, and hence, is a ‘grail’ pick for novices and hard players alike. Now,…

  • Ibanez JTC Tritan Pick

    Ibanez JTC Tritan Pick

    Ibanez JTC Tritan Pick: The trick up your fast ripping? But does in Djent? A Special Pick for a special purpose, read on…

  • Ploutone Custom Purple Heart Pick

    Ploutone Custom Purple Heart Pick

    This post is about a flower, or rather, a pick that could be a Spring flower, because of its color and beauty: The Ploutone Custom Purple Heart Pick. The Ploutone Custom Purple Heart Pick makes me think of a soda I used to love as a little kid called Purple Passion: And like that soda…

  • Red Agate Uncommon Goods Pick

    Red Agate Uncommon Goods Pick

    I was gifted by my dear sister a Red Agate Uncommon Goods Pick made by Dustin Headrick and his partner. It was given to me two Christmases ago. I was so very touched by the thought. Sis has a real eye for beautiful things and not only the red agate Uncommon Goods Pick (she tells…

  • Blue Chip Picks TAD-3R

    Blue Chip Picks TAD-3R

    Spring is heating up while the markets have been heating up and cooling down a lot. Blue Chip Stock investment might be uncertain, but the Blue Chip Picks TAD-3R pick is a certain choice for some people, read on… This pick, the Blue Chip Picks TAD-3R, is a special pick for me. It was seminal…

  • Everly Orange Star Pick

    Everly Orange Star Pick

    So the days are getting sunnier and warmer gradually, and the sunrise-colored Everly Orange Star Pick is shining right beside my sunny window brightly. It’s sold as a .60mm plectrum of plastic. They also offer a Star Pick version made from Celluloid. The plastic they say that they use is Delrin. We also know that…

  • The GuitarHeads Dark Buffalo Horn Pick

    The GuitarHeads Dark Buffalo Horn Pick

    Spring is here and many a young male’s horns are out in full show, for it is mating season, especially for young teenage rockers with a taste for groupies.The Guitarheads Dark Buffalo Horn Pick is as horning as they come, Rut-Rut. Ah well, at least that is the fantasy. But when it comes to growing…

  • The D’Andrea Pro Plec Home Plate Pick

    The D’Andrea Pro Plec Home Plate Pick

    This is the long overdue review of the D’Andrea Pro Plec Home Plate Pick in 1.5 mm thickness. Wow, gee, what can I say here? I must admit that I haven’t gelled well with the smallest picks until now. But here we are, entering the dragon of the D’Andrea Pro Plec Home Plate Pick. Now,…

  • The Pickslay Zebra Wood Pick:

    The Pickslay Zebra Wood Pick:

    This pick review is about the Pickslay Zebra wood pick. Pickslay Woodworking has its own page on Etsy here. Deep in Africa are very pretty trees and fauna. The Pickslay Zebra Wood pick is not only beautiful, with striped grains, but it sounds quite nice. The tone when dropped on my table is a cross…

  • The Pickboy Brand Clear Polycarbonate Pick

    The Pickboy Brand Clear Polycarbonate Pick

    All about the The Pickboy Brand Clear Polycarbonate Pick: This is a review of a unique and hard-to-find pick known as the Pickboy brand clear Polycarbonate pick of .50mm Thickness: Dude! Me soooo Happeee! OK, no need to get all hyper I guess, but the Pickboy Brand Clear Polycarbonate Pick has been a big surprise…

  • Jim Dunlop XL Series Ultex Jazz III Pick.

    Jim Dunlop XL Series Ultex Jazz III Pick.

    Here is our review of the Jim Dunlop XL Series Ultex Jazz III Pick. A pick many actually pick in the picking world of guitar picks. Ok, I’m feeling silly today! I’m a little late getting this on here, with music and life, come other distractions. I just started a new job and I’ve had…

  • Attack Pik from Attak Picks

    Attack Pik from Attak Picks

    Attack Pik from Attak Picks This review is on the Attack Pik from Attack Piks of Acoustic Attak. Help, we’re under ATTACK! Acoustik Attak Picks Site. We’ve had a low snow winter with mild temperatures here in Connecticut for the last several weeks, but snow is forecast today. What a good time to come out…

  • Guitar Pick Review: V-Picks’ illustrious “Jalapeno” Pick

    Guitar Pick Review: V-Picks’ illustrious “Jalapeno” Pick

    Guitar Pick Review: V-Picks’ illustrious “Jalapeno” Pick… A while ago I asked the question: “Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?” What is this V-Picks’ Illustrious “Jalapeno” pick anyways? It’s called a Jalapeno (Veggy), but it’s plastic (from minerals I suppose), but it takes an Animal to play it, as it is a beastly pick! Sunday, January 15,…

  • Guitar Pick Review: The Fender Black and White F Grip Pick.

    Guitar Pick Review: The Fender Black and White F Grip Pick.

    So what is Black and White and Played all over? Well, for one, The Fender Black and White F Grip Pick. Wednesday, January 4, 2023 Made for good looks, this plectrum has a laminated appearance. It is Black and White in a 3 ply lamination, much like a pickguard, but thicker. The product also comes…

  • Reduced Tempo of Submissions here

    Hi friends. I want to let you guys know that for the last 9 months I’ve had several health battles that have affected my ability to produce here for you and to even play guitar. Hopefully, the worst is behind me sometime next month. I have so many picks I want to review and so…

  • Somethings coming!

    I’m feeling better, I went through several different health issues back to back and I’m back in baby. A new review is in the works and will appear shortly. Thank you all for visiting our site, and as always, email us at pickfetishx351@gmail.com if you wish for picks to see reviews. I have a tight…

  • Why such a long absence?

    Sorry guys! I’ve been enduring 3 different extended illnesses and I’m still healing. I should be back with a new review in a few more days I hope, fall was not a good time for me. The next pick is one I have mixed feeling about. It at least looked good, but that might be…

  • Another brief absence, why.

    Hey folks, I hope the holidays are proving happy for you despite all the strife in the world. I’m out due to a bad illness, but I’m on the mend. Not to worry, I’ll get back at this plucky thing soon enough.

  • A call for suggestions: Picks that need review?

    My pick purchasing budget has been pretty tight, but Christmas is coming and I’ve got hopes I can acquire some more purchases so I wonder: What plectrums that I have not reviewed that you would like to see put up here? What general type of pick do you think needs attention? What brand needs more…

  • Hey kids, how’s summer (Winter for those of you underneath things)?

    Folks, a quick check in. I’m in the middle of some upgrading and it’s also my special day, so the next review will come just a few days late. As you might realize, I don’t have a set schedule because life gets in the way and I’m not doing this for money. At least not…

  • The Pick Plus 6 pack

    The Pick Plus 6 pack

    The Pick Plus 6 PackPick Plus is made by a small builder of picks good for electric AND acoustic guitar. Visit them here. Wednesday, November 30, 2022 A body’s design… Well, sometimes it costs an arm and a leg for something that works right for you. But you won’t pay an arm and a leg,…

  • Gravity 003 Orange Guitar Pick.

    Gravity 003 Orange Guitar Pick.

    Sunday, November 20, 2022: The Gravity 003 Orange Guitar Pick with Gravity Holes. Hey Einstein, Does Gravity have holes? Albert Einstein did the math and spoke about holes in the Galaxy. Well, accordingly, in the pick Galaxy, one pick stands out, The Gravity 003 Orange Guitar Pick, a mini Jazz III… My thoughts, maybe it’s…

  • BHL Guitar Picks Ultem/Glass

    BHL Guitar Picks Ultem/Glass

    Tuesday, November 15, 2022: This plectrum is a bit of a beast! The BHL Guitar Picks Ultem/Glass is a Monsta! Now there is a new trend in guitar picks, I don’t know who originally made this style, but these picks are over 5 mm thick and 3 dimension-ally ground for the tip shape. Often, they…

  • Wolf Bite Yellow Pick

    Wolf Bite Yellow Pick

    Tuesday, November 8, 2022… A Review of the Faithful Old Yeller: Wolf Bite Yellow Pick: Proceeding to look at this pick: I thought, “Well, maybe I should take a break from picks with ‘crutches’ in their design and write about something of an older approach”, or perhaps something unique in a different way. Maybe I’d…

  • As the leaves outside turn yellow (late in the season), comes a yellow pick…

    November 6, 2022… I’ve got my draft penned for the next review and the pick is a lovely yellow color, but I bet you won’t guess which one it is. Stay tuned and keep in touch, I love to hear from y’all!

  • The Dimensio Conical Stay-Put guitar pick.

    The Dimensio Conical Stay-Put guitar pick.

    A busy week! I’ve been doing a ton of site work and hope it shows soon. So what better time to take on hard work than as a Cone-Head Fan? So let’s proceed to look at a conical-headed guitar “Pick”! Sorry to delay this Dimensio Guitar picks review. I have a lot to say here……

  • D’andrea Classic #551 in Radex

    D’andrea Classic #551 in Radex

    An Ancient classic made new the D’andrea Classic #551 in Radex. A fledgling company of a century ago came up with a new way to make plectrums when a big problem grew from the over-slaughter of Hawksbill Sea Turtles. The D’andrea Classic #551 in Radex Is a modern product of their century long efforts. And…

  • Something’s coming: A new pick review, a little early, in a day or two…

    What do you get when you combine modern chemistry with old school design? You will see in a day or two! The trees here have halfway turned now, it’s not as colorful this year as a couple years ago. It’s very cool out. A nice window breeze and I’m feeling excited about this next review…

  • Graphtech Latte Tusq Realeaux Tri-Tip.

    Graphtech Latte Tusq Realeaux Tri-Tip.

    Graphtech Latte Tusq Realeaux Tri-Tip is a durable, great sounding, multi-tool plectrum, or should I say 3 plectra in all instruments for jams! Ziggy Marley and his brother are playing through my Bluetooth speaker and I wonder if Zig would like this pick for his type of music. Hmmm… Tusq is a very cool material.…

  • IskraWoodcrafts Northeastern Pine

    IskraWoodcrafts Northeastern Pine

    IskraWoodcrafts Northeastern Pine pick? Why a soft pine pick, I mean, seriously? Well, read on, it’s actually pretty cool!

  • Goonis Picks:

    Goonis Picks:

    Tuesday, October 4, 2022 The Space Age, does it even relate to guitar picks? Yes, it does. But not all space rockets or even space age picks make it on their first flight… Finally, the long-awaited review of picks sold as being a revolution of sorts, the Goonis Picks: I’m watching Keith Moon on Count…

  • Herco Gold Nylon Light Vintage 66

    Herco Gold Nylon Light Vintage 66

    Friday, September 23, 2022: Ahhh, time comes the golds, reds, and even silvers of fall, in just another month in New England. Herco Gold Nylon Light Vintage 66 possesses a color like our surroundings here in CT. A peaceful sigh, relaxing dog music playing on my brother-in-law’s stereo as I house sit with my beloved…

  • Thursday, September 15: Digging gold up?

    Here is a teaser on my next review: Oldies, goldies, some love them as much as an old silver taking silver vitamins. Have I piqued any interest? Yeah, I’m being silly, if you think I’m corny, you should meet my brother in law, he cracks dad jokes faster than the F-22 flies, I so love…

  • Good things often come in small packages Tuesday, September 13, 2022

    Friends, now that you have visited https://pickfetish.com let your friends know. Tell collectors, tell students, tell pros, tell hobbyist, tell youtube fans. email me at pickfetishx351@gmail.com with your comments, requests, and ideas. Help a small guy make a difference for others. And thank you heartily for visiting us!

  • Blue 1.0mm Pointless Pick

    Blue 1.0mm Pointless Pick

    The Blue 1.0mm Pointless Pick, a silly review for a silly pick? I’m finally getting “A Round Tuit”, circling in on an idea that was “Pointless” so they said… First off, I must ask, will the circle be unbroken as the song goes on? Sadly, yes, it probably will. The good people that made the…

  • I have an idea, but need to decide…

    I’ve had people tell me that they wish there was a consolidated list of gear suppliers. I’ve asked them, do you mean like a Thomas Register? I am going to commence compiling a list of pick and gear dealers, a list of pick and gear websites for reference, and a list of manufacturers of picks…

  • Pickboy  Carbon Nylon .60 Pick

    Pickboy Carbon Nylon .60 Pick

    From the embers, the stuff rings are made of, and the stuff stockings are made of. The Pickboy Carbon Nylon .60 Pick, a wife’s dream, or a poor idea for a pick? Chose your picks and wife(s) wisely (yeah, I know, they choose us, we don’t choose them guys!) >>>Edits at end of the review,…

  • Dunlop Tortex Reuleaux Yellow .73mm

    Dunlop Tortex Reuleaux Yellow .73mm

    It is the end of Summer (in New England that is) and a Summer Yellow one, the Dunlop Tortex Realeaux Yellow .73mm Plectrum: Well, here we are, mere weeks from the end of New England’s Summer, how better to tribute the summer’s ensuing end with a pick colored like the morning sun: The Dunlop Tortex…

  • US Blues Big West Creations Aluminum Electric Guitar Pick!

    US Blues Big West Creations Aluminum Electric Guitar Pick!

    Please recycle: What was a soda can is now a pick, the US Blues Big West Creations Aluminum Electric Guitar Pick!: Making Aluminum from a refining and melting process out of Bauxite involves a great deal of electricity, the US Blues Big West Creations Aluminum Electric Guitar Pick is electric… Using a lot of juice…

  • Materials and Devices to make a pick stick in your hand

    Materials and Devices to make a pick stick in your hand

    A Bonus Pick Review on Materials and Devices to make a pick stick in your hand, read on, and if you know of other ways and other products, submit comments at the bottom of this blog post! This is a brief overview of some stick-em and add-on grips for instrument picks. This review will grow…

  • V-Picks Mummy Guitar Pick

    V-Picks Mummy Guitar Pick

    To be clear, this pick is a rough one, get ready to RRRR-UMBLLL. The V-Picks Mummy Guitar Pick… I like transparency and transparent things in life, and that includes the occasional guitar and pick. There is something nice to glass, gemstone, and, in this case, Acrylic Plastic, that is very appealing. This V-Picks Mummy Guitar…

  • D’Addario Casein Realeaux Chris Thile

    D’Addario Casein Realeaux Chris Thile

    Dulce de Leche? OOH YUMMY, the D’Addario Casein Realeaux Chris Thile: Who would have thunk it (sorry bad grammar)? A caramel-looking Milk Pick? Yes, in essence, the D’Addario Casein Realeaux Chris Thile is made from milk, or more accurately, from a protein called Casein. -It’s a Chris Thile… …pick and quite lovely. I know that,…

  • Beachside Guitar Picks

    Beachside Guitar Picks

    He sold Sea Shell Picks at the Sea Shore!

  • In the Doldrums of Summer comes a Pickboy’s dream, or not? The Pickyboy Electric Guitar Pick Review.

    In the Doldrums of Summer comes a Pickboy’s dream, or not? The Pickyboy Electric Guitar Pick Review.

    Thursday, July 21, 2022 This is a brief review of the White Pickboy 0.70mm dimpled pick. A real rocker! July 21, 2022, The Pickboy Ceramic .070 White Pick Greetings, I want to make a brief review of a pick that I have found is very curious. THE PICKBOY Nylon/Ceramic White 0.70mm This pick is an…

  • The Great D’Andrea MH Celluloid Guitar Pick Review.

    The Great D’Andrea MH Celluloid Guitar Pick Review.

    A Plectrum to beat all Plectra! July 16, 2022 Well, here we are after another break of a few days. My health is gradually improving but I may end up getting surgery in the coming weeks or months. In the meantime, I’ll keep up as I can. In this review, I want to talk about…

  • Ebonite Picks

    Ebonite Picks

    Ebonite Picks, are they something like a fragile, broken heart? Huh! Well, this review submission on Ebonite Picks brings a new twist to my pick collecting and experiences, read on! For Instance, when I was a teenager many decades ago, I was a hard rocker and I really beat down chords hard at times. I…

  • Camel Bone Guitar Pick by GuitarHeads:

    Camel Bone Guitar Pick by GuitarHeads:

    About the Camel Bone Guitar Pick by GuitarHeads:, they are pretty cool, read on… Hello folks! I apologize for the health issues holding me back the last few weeks. I am going to endeavor to still write as best I can and be sure to tell you that poor health aside, I’m still in this.…

  • Herco “Holy Grail” #75 Guitar Pick

    Herco “Holy Grail” #75 Guitar Pick

    Herco “Holy Grail” #75 Guitar Pick, a plectrum from the classic rock years returned to grace us with wonderful tone today also…

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