Hey kids, how’s summer (Winter for those of you underneath things)?

Folks, a quick check in. I’m in the middle of some upgrading and it’s also my special day, so the next review will come just a few days late. As you might realize, I don’t have a set schedule because life gets in the way and I’m not doing this for money. At least not any time too soon.

If any of you want your picks reviewed, email me at [email protected].

DO NOT offer to give me picks free of charge expecting a review. I am impartial and don’t review things I don’t buy. That doesn’t preclude the occasional bonus pick, but I don’t want to shill anything.

My opinions are my own and I don’t expect others to live by them, but as with all thoughts, sharing helps us, each other. But opinions are like bungholes, ever-bodeh gots wun.

Also, I am not interested in site optimization or promotions services at this time, please don’t solicit me, we are a shoestring operation!



