Thursday, September 15: Digging gold up?

Here is a teaser on my next review: Oldies, goldies, some love them as much as an old silver taking silver vitamins. Have I piqued any interest?

Yeah, I’m being silly, if you think I’m corny, you should meet my brother in law, he cracks dad jokes faster than the F-22 flies, I so love the guy!

I’m so excited about this site, the goal is to both entertain you, and HELP you. You might not have tried all this stuff. You might not have the budget to try every pick out there, and neither do I, but together we can join forces. Write to me at [email protected] with ideas for reviews, for info on sites I should list in the Markus Register, and tips on what different artists use for their unique sounds.

See where it all began early this year with my sections on form factors and materials.

There are tons of pick collectors, I’m a little bit that, but more so I’m a pick tester. It started a few years ago with me in a search for the “perfect pick” to “solve all my problems”. What have I learned since then? There is no such pick, and yet, AND YET: There are so many picks that do marvelous things well. If you only use medium store branded celluloid picks and you are interested in new sounds and growth, spend some time here. Don’t worry, I’ll be making more and more stuff for you to investigate!

If you are new here, start at the welcome page. and please, PLEASE, stay in touch and feel free to write to me and we will dig for gold together!



