All about the The Pickboy Brand Clear Polycarbonate Pick:

This is a review of a unique and hard-to-find pick known as the Pickboy brand clear Polycarbonate pick of .50mm Thickness:
Dude! Me soooo Happeee! OK, no need to get all hyper I guess, but the Pickboy Brand Clear Polycarbonate Pick has been a big surprise to me.
For one thing, who knew that that tough stuff used in the manufacturing of things such as air compressor equipment could be this way? It’s FLEXIBLE but not entirely floppy. Wow. It’s terrific for strumming and doing light leads back and forth, and alternate picking is possible though not outrageously easy.
This thing, this Pickboy Brand Polycarbonate Pick is clear just like the water bleed devices in air compression lines. It’s clear as glass almost. There is a texture pressed into the finger sides so it is pretty non-slip.

So how flappy is it, this Pickboy Brand Clear Polycarbonate Pick?
Let’s be honest here, any plectrum that is thick enough respective to the material it is made from: That Pick will be not only flexible but flappy. Flex and Flap go together. But on some picks, such as the nylon picks here and this other nylon pick there, the flappy tone can be a bit annoying. It can degrade what exact tone you are seeking.
But here, in this case, while it does flap the strings, even at .50 mm thickness, there is a precision to picking with it. It can do leads and do them well, at least as compared to other .50 mm picks.
I can’t go into the modulus end of things because such data would be hard to unearth for this particular hard to find item (one that I can’t even find on their site
for this model # PB 200CP). But the nature of the flex in this pick is that it possesses a nicely fast reflexive-memory feel. It snaps back to shape quickly and resolutely.

This Pickboy brand clear Polycarbonate Pick is a dream come true for me. More makers need to produce picks like this! So far, it is one of my top ten picks over the last 3 years.
I know gushing over a product by a reviewer is pretty much a no-no and unseemly. But if you are a player and you take your music seriously, you know the frustration of searching for the right guitars, pedals, strings, and picks. Not many of us are as adaptable and resolute as those beautiful old Delta Blues men. I mean, those guys are set apart from almost everyone else, tough as nails, resilient, and talented. Who’d bet with me that some of those long-deceased grandpas would love this pick?

Material | Attack Tone | Decay Tone |
Polycarbonate Clear | Snappy, clear, Bright | Bright |
Durability/Wear | Comments/Dimensions | Shape |
Very good | Durometer 50.5 H hardness | Stout 351 Shape |
Grip and Feel | Flexibility | Likely Use |
Good Grip Fun Feel | Quite Flexible | Wide Range Strumming Acoustic Electric Rock Country |
Thickness | Width and Height | Resonance |
.50mm | 25.17 x 26.94mm | Plasticy clicky |
Tip Style | Bevel? | Approx. Cost |
very fine but not super sharp | N/A | 10pack/ 12 dollars US Imported |
As I write, I’m listening to Mississippi John Hurt, bless the man! I suppose he just used fingertips to pluck, but with this pick, he’d probably have had fun.
And that is the thing: Fun, the reason we ARE musicians, it’s fun.
-Or at least it is fun when we aren’t hampered by difficulties beyond our available skill set.
I love playing, but you know as well as me, sometimes making music can feel like a chore. The guitar might suck, the strings might be dead and corroded, the bandmates are too loud and out of time, or the singer is whacked out. Now, enter the Pickboy brand clear Polycarbonate pick with its 5/10ths of a millimeter fast-acting response. Playing is suddenly easier and more fun.
Yes sir, no flying plectrums here this time, but if you do drop it, the fact that it is clear/white/translucent means it will be hard to find. And hard to find it is, I got mine not from the company. In fact, I need to order a second set just in case this thing is as rare as I’m worried it is.
The resonance when dropped on my desk is almost clacky and song-like. It has a soprano clang to it when it hits the desk. That is a nice tone. I’m a materials freak and might have gone into materials science in my youth had I not become a Laser Jockey. It literally sings like a coin when dropped on a hard surface.
As a former Photonics/Laser Jockey, I highly appreciate precision…
If Pickboy can make a precise playing pick that still works in strumming fairly well, man, my hat goes off to them! I’d love to visit the factory and see how they work, process, and mold this material. The model is imprinted with a stamped textured grip surface with the word “Edge” on one side and “Polycarbonate” on the other side in flashy metallic red. The Red stuff wore off almost right away though.
I give this 5 stars out of 5.
So that is my take on what I think, for me right now, is a great choice of picks. Next up? Lions, Tigers, and Bears, oh my! OK, so I’m being silly. It just means I’m happy.
Now what about you, have you tried a poly material pick, and what types?