Here we add the list of Pick Materials: Natural Page Picks, click on the bold/underlined hypertextual words to go to their sub-pages:

Our planet, AND some Meteoroids, have given us all sorts of natural substances with which to make a pick.
Pick Materials: Natural Page Covers some of those materials and we seek to have more types as we discover them. for now, what we have seen made with the exception of ancient and vintage plectra, we have the following groups:
Note: all hyperlinks lead to subsections with tons of very useful content. For instance, clicking on #1, sea and lake… takes you to a full section on that topic, those materials. There is a lot of useful information in these subpages, don’t overlook them!
1. Sea and Lake Materials such as Shell and Abalone Coral.Pick Materials: Natural Page does have a ton of these as I haven’t seen any coral picks and I’m not informed on if having them would be bad for the environment. However, there is a ton of dead coral out in the seas what with global climate change and the sea currents changing.
I have tried or owned abalone and sea shell picks, I talked about viability in that section. They do make for very pretty plectra.
2. Plant and Tree Materials such as Lignum Vitae. Pick Materials: Natural Page covers some of these, and we will add more in the future in reviews. There is a great deal of woods, mostly from trees, you can find dozens of them, I tend to prefer the smaller profile models. The range that Tree material plectra span is so huge, one would take a long time to possess examples of all of them.
3. Glass and Stone Picks including Gemstones. In Pick Materials: Natural Page I group glass and stone together because of their similar feel and tone. Most of them impart a squeel as the string glides off the pick. They are mostly hard and brittle and as a result, come in thick forms.
4. Horn and Bone Fashioned Picks. Many early picks involved feathers, I don’t have any yet on Pick Materials: Natural Page, but the horn and bone are plentiful. They can impart a pretty cool tone and vary slightly. Most of these have a warmish yet assertive tone, but your mileage may vary depending on the material. Try a few.
A good source of natural substance plectra is to shop on Etsy.
We will talk about the types of:
Wood, Plants, Sea and Lake Animals, Land animals, stones, gems, and natural glasses. Yes, even glass can be made by nature, fusing sand.
So far, this page has only has 4 sections, but we’re looking for a reason to add more sections. There are dozens of trees, there are reeds, feathers, gems of all manners, Shells, Bones, and Horns. What else is there, let me know!
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